No pet owner enjoys having to resort to dog boarding when they have plans to be away from home for a lengthy amount of time. Often times owners may feel that their furry little friends may take it as a form of punishment and will feel regretful of using dog boarding to look after their pets while away.
This article will help to clarify if pets feel any type of separation anxiety while you’re gone, how it manifests, and what you can do to help your dog feel less anxious during this time.
The primary concern pet owners have is whether or not their dogs are feeling any type of separation anxiety being in a strange place away from their owner. The truth is that dogs are intelligent creatures and they often will feel some form of separation anxiety while being left for any length of time in a new environment without their owner. This anxiety is not the same as the type of anxiety a human being may feel, however in one form or another some type of anxiety will exist inside the mind of your dog.
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